Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Medicines for diabetes

Monitor blood glucose levels in diabetes without the use of diabetes medication is far from all patients. Dietary nutrition and healthy can not guarantee victory over the disease. Diabetes mellitus is not uncommon causes a lot of dangerous complications, lowers immunity and may even lead to death, therefore, timely, and most importantly, the correct treatment is very important!

Diabetes is of two types: Type 1 - insulin dependent, Type 2 - insulin. Pick up medications for diabetes according to these types.

Insulin-dependent diabetes requires continuous treatment to maintain the target level of glucose in the blood.

All medications for diabetes type 1 are the substituents of insulin. There are several types of drugs, depending on how quickly they are absorbed into the blood and how long are:

    * Short-acting insulin. Diabetes medication this type is rapidly absorbed into the blood and acts for several hours. An example is Actrapid: soaked for 20 minutes, there are about 3 hours.
    * Insulin intermediate steps. This drug is slowly absorbed into the blood. Example: Protafan - soaked for 2 hours, there are about 10 hours.
    * Long-acting insulin. This insulin is absorbed into the bloodstream for 14 hours, and operates about 36 hours.

To new therapies insulin-dependent diabetes include insulin pumps - are electronic devices that independently determine the level of glucose in the blood and enter the appropriate insulin injections.

When treating non-insulin dependent type used tableted medications for diabetes and insulin. The main groups of drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes:

    * Stimulators of insulin secretion (tableted drugs). They are short (meglitinidy) and long action (sulfonylureas). For example: glimepiride (Oltar), glyburide (Manin 3,5).
    * The drugs do not affect insulin secretion. To these drugs for diabetes include such active ingredients: acarbose, metformin (Siofor 500), thiazolidinediones.

Acarbose - an enzyme that breaks down disaccharides in the intestine. Metformin (Siofor 500) belongs to the biguanide. Drugs on the basis of thiazolidinediones used in the treatment of mild to moderate hyperglycemia.

Any medications for diabetes should be taken on the advice of a doctor - an endocrinologist. Unfortunately, no single drug can not be called a cure, so other than medical treatment of diabetes, the patient should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat only diabetic foods and exercise.

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