Sunday, February 27, 2011

Transferred to Whether Diabetes from Parents to Children

From parent to child with diabetes is not transmitted as a disease but as a predisposition to it. A child whose parents suffer from diabetes type I, is less likely to suffer than the one whose parents suffer from type II diabetes. Risk of developing type I diabetes increases a child both of whose parents are ill, the probability of this is from 15 to 20%. The probability that a child too ill with diabetes mellitus type 1, if the disease affected only one parent is not more than 5%.

Doctors recommend a good think before you have a child in a family where both men and women suffer from diabetes type I, as one of four children of this couple always get sick. If a couple decides on such a risky step, we must try to prevent this disease in the baby.

There are currently no reliable methods for the prevention of diabetes. The only thing to do - is to closely monitor the blood sugar level of the child. Than ever before will be identified first symptoms of the disease, the easier it will warn him. Waiver of sweets and carbohydrates in the diet restriction baby will not be able to prevent the emergence of diabetes.

From birth, the pediatrician should monitor those children whose both parents are sick with diabetes mellitus type-I. It should take a blood sugar once a year.

In cases where parents are sick with diabetes mellitus type II, the probability of ill during the life of a kid much longer, it is up to 80%. Very often, in families with patients with diabetes mellitus type II, the disease is transmitted to all blood relatives who have reached 50 years.

In addition to genetic predisposition, there are other factors that may lead to diabetes. One of the most dangerous factor is overweight. If you maintain a normal weight child at an early age, the probability of ill greatly reduced, even if one parent suffers from diabetes. Do not overfeed a child, watching his diet: eliminate all semi-finished products, white bread and fatty fried foods. Let's take a baby fruit and vegetables, preferably not treated thermally. You must set an example and develop a child's habit to eat right from childhood. In addition to healthy eating do not forget about physical activity. Give the child to engage in sports studio, or at least visit with him a gym as physical exercise - it is a good preventive maintenance not only of diabetes.

News in Diabetes Care - A Compact Pancreas

According to experts of diabetes is not just a disease, and this subculture that unites people around the world. According to official reports by WHO of diabetic patients of the second type only in Russia amounts to 2.5 million people, but many experts say this figure is underestimated by 2-3 times.

Against this sad picture there is good news. In 69 conference of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) were presented reports on the use of so-called artificial pancreas. Tests were conducted on patients with diabetes first type, in the process of insulin device is held constant (a 5-minute intervals), and change the glycemic patterns of patients monitored by sensors. The whole system is connected to a laptop computer, which conducts measurements of about 200 times a day (instead of 5-10 at the current opportunities).

The information obtained reflects the real picture about the content of glucose in the blood of a patient, the changes of blood glucose, so it is possible to monitor therapy online. In addition, the system has the ability to control insulin, thereby eliminating any possibility of an overdose.

According to the developers, the system will be quite compact and the size will not exceed a modern mobile phone (existing design of an artificial pancreas in size comparable to a laptop).

Postprandial glucose sensors increase in the body, with the system enters in excess of basal insulin needs. Normalization of blood glucose occurs after a few hours, eliminating the risk of hypoglycemia.

Experts expect the approval of the FDA study for 2-3 months, after this period will be sure to talk about the future of this truly useful development for the treatment of diabetes.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Indian Food is Ideal for Diabetics

Did you know that the traditional Indian dishes are ideal for the diabetic diet? Appreciate Asian cuisine, and people suffering from obesity, since it is at 90% of the vegetables. Abundance of legumes in combination with cereals makes eating a balanced and healthy.

Properly cooked Indian dishes are very tasty and healthy because they contain little fat and lots of protein. Particularly well prepared for buttermilk porridge from finger millet, also known as raga or dagussa. This simple dish satisfies hunger.

Understand the meaning of India is impossible without plates kichri (khichri) - a mixture of basmati rice with a representative of legume called tour gave. According to the Indians simply the poor man quite a bit kichri fill low-fat yogurt, and now he was becoming a real Prince slums.

In India, like vegetables, tables and bursting with tomatoes and gorgeous greenery. And the lettuce was granted the status of cultural phenomenon, its preferred use as a separate dish.

They say that the soup was brought into the territory of India by the British. Hindus prepare them reluctantly, only in the cold season, when you need to warm up - dishes fine, thick and nourishing. But in almost every home of this country there is always a billionth of a plate of soup on the basis of cabbage, spinach or celery.

India, like China, just teeming with spices. For patients with diabetes should pay special attention to turmeric and young leaves of the mango, they say very tasty!

And finally, I can not mention about fenugreek, known in India as methi. That fenugreek allows you to control glucose metabolism (especially in elderly people). From his legendary cook chutney condiment without which flavor rainbow Indian dishes would not have had such bright hues. You can have fresh sprouts of fenugreek, but it's better to mix them with wheat flour and cook a traditional Indian bread, chapatis, very reminiscent of the familiar to us pita.

But remember, in India, like salt, so that the item would have to adjust the diet to the side constraints. Reduce the quantity of sugar, substitute honey or sorbitol. Try to abandon the eggs, and fish would be preferable to red meat.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Which Insulin to Use?

All those for whom the familiar meaning of the words "diabetes" does not know firsthand about the classification, under which distinguished several types of insulin depending on the duration of its action. But while few people before the end made the choice of which of these species is suitable for him. I'll try to highlight the main positive aspects of each type.

To begin, recall that carbohydrates can be ingested in two ways: through food and the liver. For the fact that insulin is produced in the right proportions, is responsible pancreas. A healthy body is constantly highlights the short-acting insulin, the patient as a person has to follow the flow of this process and try to simulate it in time. Usually for this purpose injections of short and long-acting combined.

In medicine, we know two of these combination: Intensify and conventional insulin therapy. The first is the introduction of short-acting injections on the assimilation XE immediately before the patient is going to eat an average of 3 times a day. The traditional combination also implies the introduction of a diabetic one or two injections before meals: usually in the morning and before dinner.

The choice of ways to keep your blood sugar depends on the condition of the patient, but I note that in recent times in medicine is increasingly favored intensified insulin therapy. The fact that it is not necessary to maintain a strict diet, which is not the traditional scheme. I recall that during its observance, will eat lunch at a certain time. Namely, in the peak time when insulin is introduced in the morning reached its climax of his actions. Otherwise, the patient may be caused by hyperglycemia.

Often there is one more question: how much insulin to be discharged into the body at any given time of day? To answer it clearly is not possible, since it is strictly an individual process. Determine the dose of insulin required can be empirically - constantly monitoring blood sugar levels. But here's what you can state with confidence is that to date medicines can not help feeling sick with diabetes mellitus itself is defective. And correct treatment of the day, keep the same daily life as healthy people.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Diabetes and Pregnancy - 7 Tips for Women with Diabetes

If you are sick with diabetes, the decision to conceive a child - it's a big risk. Diabetes and pregnancy adversely affect each other.

The most dangerous as the first half of pregnancy. During this period, the flow is complicated by diabetes, appear labile forms, begin to develop complications as a result of deteriorating work the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

In the most severe forms, diabetes is a threat to the fetus and may even lead to death as a baby and mother. No less dangerous is diabetes, which runs hidden. Therefore, necessarily, before you conceive a child, the expectant mother should consult a doctor and pass the required tests.

If you are sick with diabetes and are pregnant, you need to get compensation for diabetes. For this effective method would be the proper organization of power, control of physical activity and total emotional harmony. Relatives and friends should surround you with love, affection and care.

7 tips for women with diabetes who want to have a baby.

Diabetes and pregnancy, Board 1
Only pregnant at a young age, possibly before the diabetes will affect the vascular system.

Diabetes and pregnancy, Tip 2
Take insulin during pregnancy. Do not make any exceptions, do not replace insulin saharoponizhayuschimi pills because they can lead to defects and deformities in the child.

Diabetes and pregnancy, Tip 3
Be careful what you eat. Do not need to overeat "for three", be sure to monitor the consumption of fat. Weight gain for the expectant mother - not more than 1,5 kg. monthly. Last 3 months of pregnancy, an increase of no more than 2,5 kg. Doctors recommend the best can be considered an increase in weight pregnant woman at 8 kg.

Diabetes and pregnancy, Council 4
Control your blood sugar, avoid hypoglycemia. Such differences have a negative impact primarily on the health of the fetus.

Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy Board 5
If the doctor offers admission and continuation of the pregnancy in the hospital, be sure to agree. Do not be too overconfident, even if the feel that diabetes is fairly compensated. Give birth to a specialized hospital. If you have any negative situations, be sure to settle for a cesarean, do not risk irreversible complications of purchase.

Diabetes and pregnancy, the Council on 6
Terminate a pregnancy upon request physician. If you are involved in this situation, sorry, but we need to find strength and to save at least their lives.

Diabetes and pregnancy, Board 7
Remember, pregnancy is considered an objective indicator of blood sugar, but not in the urine of pregnant women.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Diabetes and Pregnancy - Elements of a Healthy Pregnancy

Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy - a difficult combination. But I understand you perfectly, because to give the offspring - the goal of almost every normal human being. Even though the threat to health, the mother takes up the top.

I think pregnancy and childbirth - a happiness for which every woman simply must fight.

Let us consider in detail the problem of diabetes and pregnancy. Propose several recommendations for healthy eating expectant mother that will safely carry and deliver a child.

7 elements of healthy pregnancy

Zinc. Insufficient amounts of zinc - a big problem during pregnancy. Zinc is responsible for proper growth and development of the child, as well as immunity. For the mother, suffering from diabetes, be sure to get enough zinc, because it helps the pancreas to produce zinc insulin, and consequently control over the content of sugar and stabilizes blood cholesterol. For foods rich in zinc include my favorite nuts and fish.

Folic acid (vitamin B9, folacin). Folacin enough content in the mother's body is very important both before and during pregnancy. Daily intake of folic acid, 400-800 mg to avoid problems with growth and development abnormalities in the child. Folic acid - an indispensable element of patients suffering from diabetes. Fresh greens and vegetables contain it in sufficient quantity.

Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency - a consequence of the many diets that are harmful to expectant mothers, especially during pregnancy. Woman is experiencing a state of heightened blood pressure, which in medicine is called eclampsia. The normal dosage of magnesium - 200 mg. per day. Magnesium is found in foods such as nuts, vegetables, whole grains. For patients with diabetes magnesium plays a critical role in insulin release, the lack of it leads to the development of eye diseases, blood vessels and heart.

Cod liver oil. Responsible for the correct formation of brain tissue of the child. In recent years, doctors worried about high mercury content in canned fish, and therefore an excellent alternative for the expectant mother will be eating on 0,5-1 Art. l. Eskimo fish oil (checked for the absence of harmful elements). Take fish oil very carefully, since some researchers claim that fish oil may lead to insulin resistance.

Calcium. Daily intake of calcium for pregnant women - 150 mg. It is best to take calcium at night (better sleep) in the form of yogurt or milk, as calcium tablets are not always absorbed by the body. Calcium reduces the need for sweet, so is simply indispensable for people suffering from obesity and diabetes.

Iron. Daily intake of iron from 20 to 35 mg. Expectant mother is particularly needed to reflect on adequate use of products containing iron. Some doctors argue that the lack of iron leads to the development of infertility. In addition, iron-free you will feel weak, weakening the immune system and memory.

Water. The volume of blood of pregnant women increased by 25-30%, it can easily lead to dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids, and be sure to avoid cases of the drying of lips and mouth. In patients with diabetes mellitus disturbance of acid-base balance, so drinking plenty of fluids just necessary for normal functioning. Symptoms of diabetes are well suppressed by drinking alkaline mineral water, rich in vitamins and trace elements.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Benefits of Artichoke in Diabetes Mellitus

Jerusalem artichoke is easily cultivated and is perhaps the most undemanding plant in the garden. Other name - "artichoke", "Jerusalem artichoke", "wild sunflowers.

This is a perennial herb native to North America. Tubers are irregularly shaped, yellow, light brown and even red. Jerusalem artichoke crop yields in the autumn, but very tolerant of frost, so it may lie in the ground until spring.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers are eaten in raw form, and as part of meals. Has a distinctive sweet taste with a pronounced nutty flavor.

Composition of the Jerusalem artichoke: Protein - 3% inulin - up to 18%, nitrogenous compounds - up to 4%, fructose, vitamins, and carotene. 100 g of Jerusalem artichoke contains about 58 calories. Shelf life: 7-10 days.

The benefits of artichoke health

Jerusalem artichoke - the ideal food for diabetics because it contains inulin (a natural polymer of fructose) , assimilation of these substances the body goes without insulin. Also in the Jerusalem artichoke is a lot of dietary fiber.

Regular consumption eliminates constipation and severe form of intestinal obstruction.

Jerusalem artichoke normalizes metabolism, and therefore can be used as a dietary product in the fight against obesity and overweight.

Tubers of "artichoke" contain practically all the useful and irreplaceable pectins, amino acids, macro and micronutrients and vitamins. Removes from the body toxins, heavy metals and radionuclides, strengthens the immune system.

Jerusalem artichoke - a natural tonic, so doctors recommend it for diseases of the cardiovascular system, which often occur as complications of diabetes.

In Europe, the Jerusalem artichoke and drugs based on it is used to treat pancreatitis, gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension and urolithiasis.

Novosibirsk Institute of Immunology, Jerusalem artichokes recommended as nutritional therapy for patients with diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer disease, anemia, colds, etc.

Cooking artichoke

Therapeutic effect persists regardless of how to cook tubers. So you can safely have Jerusalem artichokes raw, cook, bake, roast and even marinate.

It is not necessary to clean the Jerusalem artichokes like potatoes. The peel contains a lot of iron, so it is well washed and rubbed kitchen brush.

In raw Jerusalem artichoke are added to salads,  roasted and fried tubers are used as toppings for pancakes, pies and cakes. Dried Jerusalem artichoke should be a good grind and brew the coffee.

Doctors recommend a daily basis to eat 1.2 Tuber on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals.

There are also contraindications. Jerusalem artichoke is not recommended for people affected by strong flatulence, and if you are hypersensitive tissue.

And remember, if you decide to engage in cultivation of artichoke, take care of other useful crops. Jerusalem artichokes are very fast and aggressive breed, depleting the soil.

In future articles I will publish recipes from Jerusalem artichoke, stay tuned.

The Most Useful Juice in Diabetes Mellitus - Berry Juices

To your attention the second part series of articles on juice in diabetes mellitus. Today will tell about the benefits of berry juices.

Tomato juice

Tomatoes - it's not sweet berries of the family. However, the habits we consider them vegetables. Tomato prepares everybody's favorite tomato juice.

Scientists say tomato juice good for diabetics. It thins the blood by slowing down platelet aggregation. As we know, excessive blood clotting in diabetics leads to vascular disease, is often the cause of heart attacks and strokes.

As part of tomato juice a lot of malic and citric acids, which favorably affect the activity of the biological processes of the human body. Tomatoes are rich in iron and are useful in anemia, a well relieve stress and nervous disorders.

Tomato juice has antibacterial and fungicidal properties. Regular consumption of juice reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, improves eyesight and the bowels.

Sufficient chromium content in tomato juice can monitor glucose levels, and vitamin K strengthens bones. The composition of tomatoes include the following vitamins and trace elements: C, E, PP, and H, calcium, magnesium, selenium, rubidium, etc. This abundance can hardly boast of any other vegetable.

Energy value (100 g): calories - 17 protein - 1 g, fat - 0, carbohydrates - 3,5, the diabetics, doctors recommend a daily drink no more than 250 grams of juice.

GI - 30. Price of fresh tomato juice - from $ 4 per liter.

Blueberry juice

Blueberries - a medicinal plant, natural way of lowering the concentration of glucose. In folk medicine, popular concoctions of berries and leaves, as well as Blueberry nectars and concentrates.

Blueberry juice is rich in tannins and astringents, anti-inflammatory action. It improves memory and eyesight, and effective in preventing renal failure.

Western scientists have conducted tests on the biotransformation of blueberry juice and rind of fruits. By the bacteria Serratia vaccinii managed to get a product with higher antioxidant studies hold promise for treating diabetes and obesity.

According to the medical consumption of fermented blueberry juice reduces blood glucose by 35%. Blueberry juice is a new generation - this is the first step towards the rejuvenation of the body.

Energy value (100 g): calories - 47 protein - 0 g, fats - 1,8 g, carbohydrates - in 1912 Blueberry juice contains vitamin B12, C and E. The recommended rate, taking into account an individual meal plan for diabetes, is 120 g, 2 times a day.

Glycemic Index - 50 (Medium). Price of fresh blueberry juice - from $ 8 per liter.

Cranberry juice

Cranberries called "muskeg berries, which afford to work miracles, because it contains useful flavonoids, slowing down the oxidation process at the level of proteins and lipids. It is eaten raw, added to the dishes, cook juices and fruit drinks.

Best cranberry juice helps, especially with weakened immunity, heart disease, yeast and viral infections. A proanthocyanidins, a part of the marsh berries, prevents the formation of tartar.

Regular consumption of cranberry juice kills harmful bacteria that cause ulcers, lowers "bad" cholesterol, prevents cancer. Cranberry cure for colds, sore throat, high blood pressure, normalizes the skin.

Like bilberry, cranberry juice is effective in kidney and urinary system caused by diabetes. Juice or fruit drink cleanses the ureter from harmful bacteria, relieves inflammation and pain during urination.

Cranberries contain citric acid, vitamin C, hlorogeny, pectin, calcium, manganese, iron and other micronutrients.

Energy value (100 g): calories - 45 protein - 0,4 g, fats - 0,3 g, carbohydrates - glycemic index in 1911 - 50.

Daily rate - 120 g 1 - 2 times a day. Price of fresh cranberry juice - from $ 9 per liter.

In this story about the juices that are useful in diabetes, I have yet been completed. A small announcement: In the near future you will find an interesting publication on the curative properties of berries. Stay tuned.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) - Important Information for Pregnant Women

Today let's talk for a very serious topic - Diabetes in pregnant women.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) - a disease which is associated with carbohydrate metabolism, it is found only during pregnancy. Like any other form of diabetes, gestational diabetes is associated with a genetic predisposition.

During pregnancy in the expectant mother's hormonal changes occur. Sometimes arise and reject - the pancreas produces insufficient amounts of insulin, resulting in characteristic symptoms arise HSD.

Gestational diabetes mellitus manifests itself in 5-6 months of pregnancy. Expectant mother should not be afraid, because this is a temporary condition, which successfully controlled through diet and exercise, and usually goes away after childbirth.

A pregnant woman is very important to monitor blood glucose levels, otherwise complications can affect both the health of both mother and unborn child.

Women who had gestational diabetes, more than others, at risk of disorders of glucose metabolism and obesity, as well as have a high likelihood of developing DM-2 in the next 20 years of life.

According to statistics HSD suffer from 3 to 10% of pregnant women.

Major risk factors for GDM:

   1. Age of women over 30 years.
   2. High rates of sugar in the past, the GSD during a previous pregnancy, large fruit (more than 4,5 kg.)
   3. Family History - HSD, DM-2 and cases of major birth children in previous generations.
   4. Rapid weight gain in women and the development of obesity.
   5. Cases of unexplained stillbirth and congenital malformations in previous generations.
   6. Chronic vaginal candidiasis.
   7. Early preeclampsia and hydramnios.
   8. Multiple pregnancies.

Diagnosis of gestational diabetes:

   1. Typically, the disease is diagnosed at 26 weeks (or even earlier). There are special tests that determine the degree of glucose tolerance. A one-hour 50 mg. load of glucose helps to establish the risk factors and the presence of glucosuria.
   2. Gestational diabetes is diagnosed if the post-test blood sugar levels higher than 7.8 mg / dL.
   3. You should always confirm the test repeated 3-hour 100 g glucose tolerance test preoral.
   4. For the final diagnosis of GDM is necessary to investigate the dynamics of change of glucose for 2-4 interim analysis:
          * Fasting> 5.8 mmol / l
          * 1:00:> 10.6 mmol / l
          * 2:00:> 9.2 mmol / l
          * 3:00:> 8.1 mmol / l

Control of gestational diabetes before and after birth:

   1. The purpose of the doctor - after a meal, the patient achieved blood glucose <6.7 mmol / l
   2. Transfer of patients on dietary diet (diet number 9)
   3. If within 2 hours after a meal blood sugar level is> 6.7 mmol / l, usually appointed by insulin.
   4. Oral drugs that cause hypoglycemic reaction during pregnancy contraindicated.
   5. Be sure to monitor the status and development of the fetus.
   6. After giving birth to stop insulin injections and diet.
   7. Monitor glucose at 6 weeks after birth to analyze the OGTT.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How is Diabetes in Pregnancy?

Pregnancy in diabetes can be an ordeal for you and your loved ones. But still surmountable! We in advance with some statistical data and recommendations that will help you avoid complications.

During diabetes varies considerably during pregnancy. Identify several stages of changes in the expectant mother:

   1. The first trimester is different lower blood sugar levels, so it is necessary to reduce the insulin dose to 1 / 3;
   2. At 13 weeks on the rise in blood sugar that can cause severe condition of the woman until the coma. In this period should be carefully monitored glucose levels and consequently increase the dose of insulin;
   3. With 32 weeks the blood sugar level again begins to decline and the insulin dose was reduced to 70 - 80%;
   4. During childbirth due to the stress experienced by women may develop hyperglycemia, or because of severe physical fatigue of the body - hypoglycemia;
   5. After birth, the blood sugar level drops sharply and reaches a level that was before pregnancy, only 10.7 day post-partum period.

During pregnancy, hospitalization of women with diabetes, usually occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy to ensure timely diagnosis and compensation of diabetes. At 20-24 week could worsen the health of women and also require hospitalization. Last time when we should expect hospitalization, begins with 32 weeks, the cause may be a need for re-compensation of diabetes, and timing of delivery.

Pregnancy is bad for the woman with diabetes mellitus. Observed exacerbation of pyelonephritis, vascular diseases, the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure. Sometimes seizures may occur. Pregnancy in patients with diabetes can cause a lot of complications, even death of the mother or fetus due to diabetic kidney damage.

Miscarriage may occur in 15-30% of cases at 20-27 weeks of pregnancy. But do not despair, with proper and careful treatment of the probability of the threat of miscarriage, many pregnant women with diabetes is not higher than that in healthy women. Very frequent premature labor in diabetic patients. Cases of fetal death are most likely at 36-38 week. This may be an exacerbation of diabetes, preeclampsia and a large mass of the fetus. Probability of stillbirth was 29%.

Childbirth can be severe due to the fact that children of women with diabetes are born large (an increase of up to 60 cm, and body weight - 4.5 kg). Often the injuries as child and parent. Increases the frequency of postpartum infection, there is insufficient lactation in women with diabetes.

With poor treatment and complications of diabetes birth place prematurely (37 weeks). Often require surgical intervention and the use of caesarean section. But happily flowing pregnancy in compensated diabetes usually ends up normal, timely deliveries without the use of caesarean section. Importantly, to closely monitor the course of the disease and carry a full course of treatment prescribed by the attending physician, endocrinologist.

Treating Diabetes During Pregnancy

Even before conceiving a child a woman must take care of diabetes compensation and try to maintain normal blood sugar levels during pregnancy. During childbearing diabetes treatment should be limited to the timely determination of blood sugar levels and adjust his insulin through, as well as a healthy diet.

People with diabetes must consult with the endocrinologist on the diet. Energy value of food intake does not exceed 2000-2200 calories. Should reduce the intake of carbohydrates and 250 g, fat 70 g, at the same time is recommended to increase protein intake to 2 g per 1 kg body weight of future mothers.

If a woman is obese, the caloric content of food should be reduced to 1500-1800 kcal. Eating preferably 8 times a day. Should consume the same amount of carbohydrates. You can not eat sugar, jam, chocolate, cakes, ice cream, honey, grape juice, rice and semolina, as these products contain a rapidly absorbed carbohydrates. During gestation diabetes may gain weight not exceeding 10 kg.

A pregnant woman suffering from diabetes must take extra vitamins A, B, C, D, folic acid, as well as potassium iodide.

In the case when the diet does not help to control blood sugar and glucose on the rise, it is necessary to start insulin therapy. About 25% of women with diabetes require insulin therapy during pregnancy. Insulin therapy is indicated for too rapid growth of the fetus. Control the dose of insulin, time of administration and number of injections should be a doctor.

The patient with a mild form of diabetes can be controlled phytotherapy. Some plants have a pronounced hypoglycemic properties. You should use this collection for lowering blood sugar: 5 g of leaves of blueberries, green beans, oat straw, 2 g of dried burdock root, 3 g of flaxseed. Mix all ingredients, pour 600 ml boiling water, boil for 5 minutes., Insist 20 min., Then strain and drink 6 times a day with 50 ml of about six months. It is also recommended to drink 100 ml of 5 times a day, a decoction of leaves of bilberry. He prepared as follows: 60 g of leaves filled a liter of boiling water and brewed for 15-20 minutes., Percolates. All phytotherapeutic procedures should be performed only with careful monitoring of blood sugar, because reaction to a variety of herbs can be specific.

In addition to diet and herbal medicine recommended for pregnant exercise. Thanks to the athletic training muscles burn more glucose, which reduces its content in the blood. Very useful as physical exercise walking.

Remedy against the disease in the form of tablets, which treat diabetes type 2, pregnant contraindicated. These drugs have a deleterious effect on the child, passing through the placenta. They can cause the formation of various defects in the baby, so treatment should be kept for use only insulin. On what other methods of treatment of diabetes can be used during pregnancy.

For a safe pregnancy and childbirth, diabetics, like all women, should closely observe all the recommendations of doctors, eat right, do physical exercises and less worry.