I suspect that today or yesterday, at least you know it ... Yes, you are sick with diabetes.
First, take a deep breath - this will allow for a moment to relax after a long road ahead.
Do not be surprised when this news VOLTAGE - is a normal reaction. And from him it is desirable to get rid. But it's not so easy.
Then manifested DENIAL. Yes, we do not want to believe that it happened to us. Why, why, but can not be!
Gradual realization leads to feelings of guilt. To whom, I ask? In the first place to himself, and, perhaps, to their families for whom we are responsible.
Then can come anger and disagreement with the situation. The body rebels, and it is simply to be endured. We all anger and all, because I do not want to admit their mistakes.
Many people fear death, begin to assume the "last" days of precious lives. For enlightened as diabetes - it's a great inconvenience that takes the familiar, sometimes even very rakish and reckless lifestyle.
But most importantly, do not ride, to ignore the disease. continue to live as if nothing had happened - an impermissible weakness!
What then remains, you ask? Try to smile, yeah! Now more than ever, you must learn to laugh!
Positive thoughts and attitudes positively affect the health if you are locked - the disease will prevail!
Humor helps to look at the situation from different sides, and optimism will give strength. And yet, doctors say, laughter lowers blood sugar levels, remember this!
Now that it is much easier to keep in mind at once - family and loved ones will support you and will never give up in difficult moments, I promise! And we let's get auto-training, well, quite a bit.
Focus on the positive, confident now accumulate such simple words. I have them, usually repeating several times a day. Stand in front of the mirror and say:
"I'll move to your dreams and desires"
"Diabetes - this is bad, BUT I can cope!"
"I'm not alone. Millions of people worldwide are living with the disease, there are thousands of experts, which I need help. If people live with diabetes, Why should not I try? "
"Stress, denial, anger, fear or depression - it is a typical reaction. I was able to keep the disease under control! I promise that, first of all to yourself! "
Diabetes - it's just a way of life. Start the change with psychological training, then everything will be much easier.
First, take a deep breath - this will allow for a moment to relax after a long road ahead.
Do not be surprised when this news VOLTAGE - is a normal reaction. And from him it is desirable to get rid. But it's not so easy.
Then manifested DENIAL. Yes, we do not want to believe that it happened to us. Why, why, but can not be!
Gradual realization leads to feelings of guilt. To whom, I ask? In the first place to himself, and, perhaps, to their families for whom we are responsible.
Then can come anger and disagreement with the situation. The body rebels, and it is simply to be endured. We all anger and all, because I do not want to admit their mistakes.
Many people fear death, begin to assume the "last" days of precious lives. For enlightened as diabetes - it's a great inconvenience that takes the familiar, sometimes even very rakish and reckless lifestyle.
But most importantly, do not ride, to ignore the disease. continue to live as if nothing had happened - an impermissible weakness!
What then remains, you ask? Try to smile, yeah! Now more than ever, you must learn to laugh!
Positive thoughts and attitudes positively affect the health if you are locked - the disease will prevail!
Humor helps to look at the situation from different sides, and optimism will give strength. And yet, doctors say, laughter lowers blood sugar levels, remember this!
Now that it is much easier to keep in mind at once - family and loved ones will support you and will never give up in difficult moments, I promise! And we let's get auto-training, well, quite a bit.
Focus on the positive, confident now accumulate such simple words. I have them, usually repeating several times a day. Stand in front of the mirror and say:
"I'll move to your dreams and desires"
"Diabetes - this is bad, BUT I can cope!"
"I'm not alone. Millions of people worldwide are living with the disease, there are thousands of experts, which I need help. If people live with diabetes, Why should not I try? "
"Stress, denial, anger, fear or depression - it is a typical reaction. I was able to keep the disease under control! I promise that, first of all to yourself! "
Diabetes - it's just a way of life. Start the change with psychological training, then everything will be much easier.
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