Friday, April 15, 2011

Diet for Diabetes - The Onion Plant

Garlic and onions - the most popular onion rings, which are present on my desk at any time of year. Let's look at why it is so useful onion and whether their use to patients with diabetes mellitus.

It belongs to the perennial, originally from Central Asia, onions can rightly be called an old vegetable crops, as is known from 4th century BC

Bow - a source of vitamins, it includes ascorbic acid, vitamin B and PP, mineral salts of potassium, iron and phosphorus, contains essential oils and volatile. Bow has a peculiar smell, and often brings tears to my eyes, there are a lot of iodine, so the onions will be very useful for patients with thyroid diseases.

As part of onions can be identified citric and malic acids, they make it useful in the treatment of obesity. Thanks to the vitamins, onions able to fight off colds, especially in winter or spring, simply can not do without onions at lunch or dinner.

Mineral salts in the bow normalizes water-salt balance. Sulfur compounds that make up the bow form of the amino acid cysteine. It is through cysteine blood sugar level drops. And in the pommel contains a sufficient amount of chromium, which positively affects the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Thanks to the chrome sugar is absorbed by an order easier. "The Onion" chrome lowers fat (triglycerides) and cholesterol, low density.

Eat onions on health, be sure sugar is the norm!

This professor of medicine, garlic has a unique chemical composition: essential oils, vitamins B, C, D, PP, garlic is rich in iodine, phosphorus and calcium. Sulfur-containing elements in the composition of garlic make it an excellent tool for Microbicides
Garlic cure chronic manifestations of amoebic dysentery, enteritis, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Why garlic is good for diabetes? It contains two important elements - allaksin and vanadium. With these elements, as well as anti-inflammatory properties of garlic, stimulate the endocrine system of humans.

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