Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Physiotherapy for Patients With Diabetes

Physical Therapy (from the Greek. Physis - in kind and therapy) is a branch of medicine that uses the physiological effects of natural (water, air, solar heat and light) and artificial (electric current, magnetic field, etc.) of physical factors in the treatment of certain diseases .

In the treatment of diabetes using a number of physiotherapy techniques. Very often, patients are electrophoresis. This method is based on the exposure of the body by direct current and medicinal materials. With the current medicines into the body through mucous membranes or skin. When diabetes is used electrophoresis of zinc, copper electrophoresis, electrophoresis of potassium. Electrophoresis of zinc has beneficial effects on the state of the islets of Langerhans which produce insulin. Electrophoresis of copper improves the reduction-oxidation, reduces blood sugar levels. Diabetes is often accompanied by polyuria, that is, the increased amount of urine separation. In this regard, the body loses potassium. That is why diabetes often prescribe electrophoresis of potassium to make up for the missing trace mineral.

In addition, the use of magnesium electrophoresis in the general procedure for the neck area or on Shcherbak, as well as on the liver area. Magnesium is very important for the organism of the patient with diabetes mellitus. This trace mineral is involved in redox processes, lowers cholesterol. Electrophoresis of the neck of calcium reduces blood glucose levels. Electrophoresis of nicotinic acid on the epigastrium improves the function of the pancreas. In diabetes often occur microangiopathy of the lower extremities, which are accompanied by pain. In this case, patients administered iodine-novocaine-electrophoresis.
This method is also used in the treatment of hypertonicity of the vessels. When angiopathies of the lower limbs with peripheral neuropathy are often assigned electrophoresis of 5% sodium thiosulfate. He entered with a negative pole to the region of gastrocnemius muscle. When angiopathies of the lower extremities is also assigned to electrophoresis with novocaine lumbar krestuovuyu area. It promotes the expansion of lower extremities, thereby decreasing pain. In the treatment of diabetic retinopathy is widely used medicinal electrophoresis. It has a resolving, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic action. If you are experiencing bleeding, the use of heparin electrophoresis. If a patient suffers from multiple sclerosis retinal vessels, using electrophoresis, a solution of potassium iodide. When angiospasm, degenerative changes of the retina using electrophoresis of nicotinic acid, a mixture of aloe with vitamin E, S. In the complex treatment of diabetes used a beneficial effect of magnetic field on the metabolic processes in the body. That is why diabetics assigned to the magnet projection area of the pancreas. Usually the course of treatment is 12 sessions. At the same after the first 3-5 sessions a decrease in blood sugar.

Magnetic therapy is used in diabetic neuropathy and diabetic foot. The magnetic field has angioprotective, analgesic, immunomodulating, trophico-regulatory effects. After an increase in the magneto speed of about nerve impulse along the nerve fibers and peripheral blood flow. Markedly reduced pain in the extremities, less concerned about patients cramps and paresthesia, increased muscular activity, there are beneficial changes in the sensitivity of the foot.
For the treatment of neuropathies, used inductothermy angiopathies of the lower extremities. Inductothermy - a method of electrotherapy, which uses a magnetic field of high frequency. The duration of a procedure - 15 - 20 min. Sessions are held either every day or every other day. The course of treatment consists of 10-12 procedures. The impact of an alternating magnetic field significantly improves blood and lymph circulation, therefore, is a very effective method of treatment. Also effective in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This treatment with oxygen under high pressure. This method is capable of eliminating all forms of hypoxia that occur in diabetes. That is why the hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical complex with various forms of diabetes. Observations show that after the second session, patients feel much better. The general course of treatment consists of 10-12 sessions. Each session lasts 40-60 minutes. After about their management of patients are able to significantly reduce the dose of insulin and other medications. When diabetes is usually oxygen-reduced function of the blood. Therefore, there is oxygen starvation of tissues and organs.
Oxygen treatment reduces hypoxia in various organs and tissues, thus improving vision and hearing, as well as blood circulation in the limbs. It is also important that as a result of the procedures activated the activity of cells of the pancreas. Keep in mind that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is contraindicated in those suffering from claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), and epilepsy.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a form of oxygen treatment includes the use of oxygen inside the foam. This procedure is very useful for obesity, combined with diabetes mellitus. Ingestion of oxygen foam helps to reduce body weight. This is based on the fact that the foam expands the stomach, making the patient feel satiety and eating less. Foam take 2 - 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals. Oxygen has beneficial effects on oxidative processes in the body. Oxygen foam is made from infusions and decoctions of herbs with the addition of whipped egg whites. The finished foam should foam, passing through her oxygen. This is done through a special apparatus. The course of treatment varies from 3 to 6 months. During treatment, patients must be under medical supervision.
When using acupuncture neuropathy. Special needles are inserted into the biologically active points. Usually carried out 2 - 3 courses of treatment, each of which includes several sessions. The result of treatment is improvement of general condition. And most importantly, significantly improved nerve conduction, increases the sensitivity of the lower limbs, decrease pain. In addition to using acupressure, electroacupuncture and laser acupuncture.
In the treatment of diabetes is used and plasmapheresis. The essence of this method is that the plasma is removed and replaced with the patient's blood plasma substitutes. Such treatment is usually given in renal failure and in septic complications. Very effective in treatment of diabetes is ozone therapy. The use of medical ozone increases the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. Can achieve this effect by stimulating the pentose phosphate shunt, and aerobic glycolysis.

As a result, glucose enters the tissue better, decreases hyperglycemia. Carried out the oxidation of glucose to the final products. Ozone affects the exchange of glucose in erythrocytes. Tissues receive more oxygen, hypoxia is eliminated. Ozone therapy can prevent development of pathological processes such as neuropathy, arthropathy, angiopathy. In addition, ozone has immunomodulatory effects. It is very important to diabetes type 1, because it increases the tendency to chronic infections and inflammation of the skin against the backdrop of a weakened immune system. The basis of ozone therapy - intravenous administration of OS (ozonized physiological solution). Procedures are carried out through the day. Total course of treatment is 10-14 procedures. Can also be rectal administration of ozone.
During treatment, necessarily exercise control over blood glucose levels. If necessary, adjusted dose glucose-lowering drugs, the ozone-oxygen mixture because it has a hypoglycemic effect. Often in the course of therapy decreases the amount of glucose-lowering drugs.

Ozone treatment significantly improves performance, normalizes sleep. The general condition of the patient improves. There was also a reduction in blood sugar levels, increases immunity. Repeated treatments are necessary after 3 - 6 months.

In severe forms of diabetes treatment is carried out with great care. Can suddenly worsen, because the antioxidant defense system is broken.

For physiotherapy and hydrotherapy methods include, or hydrotherapy. The essence of this method - in the external application of water. It could be pouring, wraps, shower, bath, wiping, etc. Various water treatment stimulates blood flow and lymph flow.

As a result, water treatment increases lymph and blood flow to a particular area, improved nutrition and respiration of cells in this area. This is beneficial for tissue repair and for the whole body.

Therapeutic effects of water based on the fact that by warming or cooling. Hot water dilates blood vessels, thus increasing blood flow and lymph flow in a certain place. Cold water, however, leads to a narrowing of veins and arteries. On this site reduces the amount of blood and lymph. The alternation of hot and cold water can bring fresh portions of oxygen and nutrients in a particular area of the body. Hydrotherapy is used in the complex sanatorium treatment, as well as in everyday life. Every patient with diabetes may use a contrast shower, alternating hot and cold water. It has beneficial effects on the nervous system, blood circulation, has a tonic and invigorating action.
Some caution should be exercised in a decreased sensitivity of limbs, which often occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus. Using excessively hot water can cause burns because the patient does not always feel right temperature. It is undesirable to use and extremely cold water, so as not to catch cold. And the rest of hydrotherapy - an effective, affordable and secure method. However, preliminary medical consultation is still necessary.

Balneotherapy (from Latin. Balnem - bath, bathing) for at least an effective treatment for patients with diabetes. This method is based on the treatment of natural or artificially prepared mineral waters. Balneotherapy is used in complex sanatorium treatment. For more information on it is written in the thematic section of the sanitary-health resort treatment on an information portal on vital

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Average Duration of Insulin

Intermediate-acting insulins

1. Berlinsulin X foams. Produced in Germany. Drug is given by the following indications:

* Diabetes mellitus type 1;

* Diabetes mellitus type 2: stage of resistance to oral hypoglycemic means, partial resistance to these drugs, intercurrent illness, surgery, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet).

The drug can cause side effects: hypoglycaemic state, and hypoglycemic coma, skin rash, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, flushing and itching at the injection, the introduction of lipodystrophy in place of the drug. The drug is available in the following variations.

Berlinsulin A normal pen. The active ingredient is neutral insulin, identical to human insulin. Solution for injection is available in cartridges of 1.5 ml (1 ml of 100 EA) of 5 pieces and 20 pieces. The drug takes effect within 10-15 minutes after injection, the effect lasts 68 hours daily dose injected subcutaneously in 3-4 hours.

Injections made in 10-15 minutes before eating.

X Berlinsulin basal pen. The active substance is insulin isophane protamine that is identical to a human. Suspension for injection (1 ml - 100 EA) is available in cartridges of 1.5 ml of 5 and 20 pieces per pack. The drug takes effect 30-45 minutes after injection. The action continues 18 - 20 h. The daily dose of the drug is administered as a 1 - 2 subcutaneous injections for 30-45 minutes before eating.

Berlinsulin X 10/90 foam. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin (1 ml - 10 EA). Suspension for injection comes in cartridges of 1.5 ml of 5 and 20 pieces per pack. The drug takes effect after 3045 min after injection. The action continues 16-18 hours

The daily dose is divided into two injections. Injections are made for 30-45 minutes before eating.

Berlinsulin X 20/80 foam. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin (1 ml - 20 EA) or crystalline protamine suspension (1 ml - 80 EA). Suspension for injection comes in cartridges of 1.5 ml of 5 and 20 pieces per pack. The drug takes effect 30-45 minutes after injection. The action continues 14-16 hours daily dose is divided into two injections. The drug is injected 30-45 minutes before eating.

Berlinsulin X 30/70 foam. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin (1 ml - 30 EA) and crystalline protamine suspension (1 ml - 30 EA). Suspension for injection comes in cartridges of 1.5 ml of 5 and 20 pieces per pack. The drug takes effect 30-45 minutes after injection. The action continues 14-15 hours daily dose is divided into two injections. The drug is injected 30-45 minutes before eating.

Berlinsulin X 40/60 foam. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin (1 ml - 40 EA) or crystalline protamine suspension (1 ml - 60 EA). Suspension for injection comes in cartridges of 1.5 ml of 5 and 20 pieces per pack. The drug takes effect 30-45 minutes after injection. The action continues 14-15 hours daily dose is divided into two injections. The drug is injected 30-45 minutes before eating.

2. Insuman base. Produced in Germany. The active substance is insulin isophane protamine identical to human insulin. Suspension for injection comes in 10 ml vial, 5 pieces per pack. The drug lowers blood glucose levels. The action begins at 1 h after injection. Duration of action is 11-20 h.

Drug is given by the following testimony m:

* Insulin-dependent diabetes, diabetes during pregnancy, intolerance to other insulin preparations, the labile forms of diabetes associated with the presence of high titers of antibodies to insulin, islet cell transplantation of the pancreas;

* Insulin-independent diabetes mellitus, including resistance to oral antidiabetic drugs, surgery, intercurrent illness, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet).

The drug should be administered subcutaneously for 45-60 minutes before eating. Places inekuy should be changed. Dose is determined individually. The drug should be stored refrigerated at 2 - 8 ° C. Freezing is not allowed.

3. Protafan XM. Manufactured in Denmark. The active substance is insulin isophane protamine, identical to human insulin. Suspension for injection comes in vials of 10 ml and 3 ml Penfill. Protafan XM refers to preparations of insulin intermediate-acting. Lowers blood glucose levels. The action begins at 1.5 h after injection, lasts 24 hours

Dose is determined individually. Protafan XM is administered subcutaneously. Drug is given by the following indications:

* Diabetes mellitus type 1;

* Diabetes mellitus type 2: stage of resistance to oral hypoglycemic means, partial resistance to these drugs, intercurrent illness, surgery, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet).

The drug can cause side effects: hypoglycaemic state, and Prek hypoglycemic coma, flushing and itching at the injection site, allergic reaction to a skin rash, angioedema, laryngeal edema, anaphylaxis. With prolonged use of the drug can lipodystrophy.

Protafan XM should be stored in a refrigerator at 2-8 degrees C. The drug must not be frozen, and exposed to sunlight.

4. Protafan XM Penfill. Manufactured in Denmark. The active substance is insulin isophane protamine, identical to human insulin. Suspension for injection (1 ml of 100 units) is available in 1.5-ml Penfill and 3 ml.

The drug is insulin, the average duration of action.

Action starts at 1.5 h after injection, lasts 24 hours

Drug is given by the following indications:

* Diabetes mellitus type 1;

* Diabetes mellitus type 2: stage of resistance to oral hypoglycemic means partial resistance to these drugs, intercurrent illness, surgery, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet).

Insulin dose should be determined individually. Protafan XM Penfill subcutaneously.

The drug can cause side effects: hypoglycaemic state, and Prek hypoglycemic coma, flushing and itching at the injection site, allergic reaction to a skin rash, angioedema, laryngeal edema, anaphylaxis. With prolonged use of the drug can lipodystrophy.

The drug must be refrigerated at 2 - 8 degrees C.

5. Homofan 100. Produced in Croatia. The active substance is insulin isophane protamine, identical to a human. Suspension for injection (1 ml - 100 units) is available in Penfill 1, 5 ml, pack of 5 pieces.

Homofan 100 belongs to the intermediate-acting drugs. The drug takes effect after 1.5 h after injection, the effect lasts 24 hours drug is given by the following indications:

* Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in children, pregnancy, intensified insulin therapy.

The drug is used 1 - 2 times a day. Time of application and dosage is determined individually. Therapy may be supplemented by short-acting insulin preparation. Homofan 100 administered subcutaneously.

The drug can cause hypoglycemia as a side effect. It is usually due to errors in the diet, irregular administration of insulin or an overdose.

Bottles should be stored in a refrigerator at 2 - 8 degrees C. Freezing of the drug is not allowed.

6. Mikstard XM Penfill. Manufactured in Denmark. The active ingredient is neutral insulin and isophane protamine insulin.

The drug reference insulin. Starts to operate in half an hour after the injection, the effect lasts 24 hours

Drug is given by the following indications:

* Insulinozavismy diabetes, diabetes during pregnancy, intolerance to other drugs insulinosoderzhaschih, labile form of diabetes is associated with the presence of high titers of antibodies to insulin, transplantauiya islet;

* Insulinnezavimy diabetes, including resistance to oral antidiabetic drugs, surgery, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet).

Dose is determined individually. The drug is administered subcutaneously.

Can have side effects: hypoglycaemic state, allergic reakuii, lipodystrophy.

Bottles should be stored in a refrigerator at 2-8 degrees C. Freezing of the drug is not allowed.

7. MonotardHM. Produced in Denmark, India. The active ingredient is Winkie suspension of insulin that is identical to human insulin. Suspension for injection comes in vials of 10 ml.

Monotard XM refers to preparations of insulin intermediate-acting. The drug takes effect after 2.5 h after subcutaneous administration, the effect lasts 24 hours

Drug is given by the following indications:

* Diabetes mellitus type 1;

* Diabetes mellitus type 2: stage of resistance to oral hypoglycemic means, partial resistance to these drugs, intercurrent illness, surgery, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet).

Dose is determined individually.

Monotard XM can cause the following side effects: hypoglycaemic state, hypoglycemic Prek and who, allergic reactions.

Monotard XM should be stored in a refrigerator at 2-8 degrees C. Freeze preparation is impossible.

8. Homolong 40. Produced in Croatia. The active ingredient is Winkie suspension of insulin containing 300, 0, amorphous and crystalline insulin 70% identical to human insulin. Suspension for injection comes in vials of 10ml.

Homolong 40 refers to preparations of insulin expectancy. Hypoglycemic effect occurs at 2.5 h after injection, the effect lasts 22 hours

Drug is given by the following indications:
* Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, complications of insulin therapy, due to the traditional method of insulin (insulin resistance, allergic reactions, lipodystrophy post-injection), pregnancy, diabetes in childhood.

The drug is used 1 - 2 times a day. Hours and dosage is determined individually.

Homolong 40 can cause hypoglycemia, which is usually caused by errors in the diet, irregular or taking an overdose of insulin.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Short-Acting Insulins

1. Aktranid XM. This drug produced in India, Denmark. The active ingredient is a monocomponent neutral insulin solution is identical to human insulin. Solution for injection comes in 3 mL Penfill and 06ychyyx 10 ml vials. 1 ml contains 100 IU of the active substance.

Actrapid HM - a short-acting insulin preparation. Its action starts in half an hour after the injection, lasts 6 - 8 pm

By the indications for this drug include:

* Diabetes mellitus type 1;

* Diabetes mellitus type 2: stage of resistance to oral hypoglycemic means, partial resistance to these drugs (combination therapy), intercurrent illness, opera1JII, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet).

In addition, the drug can be assigned to patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar coma, coma ketoatsidoticheskoy, if you are allergic to animal insulin preparations.

Actrapid HM administered subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly. The dose is determined individually. If Actrapid HM used in their pure form, it can be assigned to three times a day, sometimes 5-6 times a day. If the patient is transferred to the bull or mixed insulin, the dose must adjust.

When you receive Actrapid hm may experience the following side effects: hypoglycemia, allergic reactions, disorders refraK1JII, which are transient.

The drug should be stored in a refrigerator at 2-8 degrees C. Do not freeze bottles. If the drug is stored at room temperature, it should be used within 6 weeks.

2. Actrapid HM Penfill. Manufactured in Denmark. The active ingredient is a monocomponent neutral insulin solution, identical to human insulin. The solution is to ineK1JY Penfill of 1.5 ml and 3 ml injection pens.

The drug belongs to a short-acting insulin.

Starts to operate in half an hour after the administration of the body, acts 6-8 hours Indications are the same as when using Actrapid HM. The drug is administered subcutaneously. The dose is determined individually. Storage conditions are similar to Actrapid HM.

3. Insuman Rapid. Produced in Germany. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin that is identical to human insulin. Solution for injection is available in vials x 10 ml, 5 pieces per pack, in cartridges for injection pens.

Insuman Rapid refers to preparations of insulin with a rapid onset and short duration of action. Leads to a rapid decrease in blood glucose levels. The drug takes effect within half an hour after administration.

The action continues 5.8 hours

By the indications for use Insumana Rapida include:

* 1 diabetes type-two;

* Diabetes mellitus type 2: resistance to oral hypoglycemic medications, intercurrent illness, surgery, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet).

Dose is determined individually. The drug should be administered subcutaneously or intravenously. Subcutaneous drug is administered for 15 - 20 minutes before eating.

Can have side effects: hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic coma and precoma, allergic reaction.

4. Homoral 40. Produced in Croatia. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin that is identical to human insulin. The drug is available in vials of 1 ml O. Homoral 40 - a short-acting insulin preparation. Reduction in blood glucose levels begin half an hour after injection. Effect of the drug an average of 8 hours.

By reading meters for use Homorala 40 include:

* Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Particularly effective drug in cases where urgent intervention is necessary, such as diabetic coma and precoma, surgery, pregnancy, childhood and adolescence.

Homoral 40 is used two or more times per day. The dose is determined individually. The drug should be administered intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously. Homoral can be mixed with other drugs to human insulin.

Homoral 40 can cause hypoglycemia as a side effect. Such a condition can result from errors in the assigned diet, irregular administration of insulin or a drug overdose.

5. Homoral 100. Produced in Croatia. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin that is identical to human insulin. The drug is available in Penfill of 1.5 ml, in multiples of 5 pieces. Indications for use of this drug are similar to the previous one. Time and dosage is determined individually. By the side effect is hypoglycemia.

6. Humulin regular. Produced in India. The active substance is identical to human insulin. The drug is available in bottles of 10 ml and 3 ml Penfill (1 ml - 100 U).

Short-acting. It is based on recombinant DNA, the exact number of amino acid human insulin. The drug takes effect within 10 min after injection, the effect lasts 6-8 h.

By the indications for the use of regular Humulin include:

* Insulin-dependent form of diabetes: hyperosmolar coma, preparation for surgery, trauma, acute infections.

The dose is determined individually, focusing on the patient's condition. In pure form, the drug is administered 3-4 times per day.

Humulin regular can cause such side effects, insulin resistance, hypersensitivity reaction.

The drug is contraindicated if you are sensitive to it, as well as hypoglycemia.

7. Berlinsulin HU-40. Produced in Germany. Drug is given by the following indications:

* Diabetes mellitus type 1;

* Diabetes mellitus type 2: stage of resistance to oral hypoglycemic drugs, partial resistance to these drugs, intercurrent illness, surgery, pregnancy (if the ineffectiveness of diet), diabetic coma.

The drug is available in the following flavors:

Berlinsulin A normal V-40. The active ingredient is neutral insulin identical to human insulin. Solution for injection in vials of 10 ml. The drug takes effect within 10-15 minutes after injection, the duration of 6-8 hours daily dose should be administered subcutaneously in 3-4 hours. In diabetic coma drug is administered within the vein but.

X Berlinsulin basal U-40. The active substance is insulin isophane protamine, identical to human insulin. Suspension for injection comes in vials of 10 ml. Takes effect 30-45 minutes after injection, the duration of 18-20 hours daily dose is administered as a 1 - 2 subcutaneous injections.

Berlinsulin X 10/90 U-40. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin (1 ml - 4 EA) or crystalline protamine suspension (1 ml - 36 EA). Suspension for injection comes in vials of 10 ml. The daily dose is divided into two injections, 2 / 3 doses should be administered in the morning, 1 / 3 dose - in the evening. Injections are made for 30-45 minutes before eating.

These drugs can cause side effects: Hypoglycemic coma, hypoglycemic condition, skin rash, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.

Injection site may occur flushing, itching. With prolonged use at injection sites can be observed lipodystrophy.

Berlinsulin X 20/80 U-40. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin (1 ml - 8 EA) or crystalline protamine suspension (1 ml - 32 EA).

Suspension for injection comes in a bottle of 10 ml. The drug takes effect 30-45 minutes after injection, the effect lasts 14-16 hours.

Dosage and side effects are similar to the previous preparation.

Berlinsulin X 30/70 U-40. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin (1 ml - 12 EA) or crystalline protamine suspension (1 ml - 28 EA). Suspension for injection comes in vials of 10 ml. The drug takes effect 30-45 minutes after injection, the effect lasts 14-15 hours.

Dosage and side effects are similar to the previous preparation.

Berlinsulin X 40/60 U-40. The active substance is a neutral solution of insulin (1 ml - 16 EA) or crystalline protamine suspension (1 ml - 24 EA). Suspension for injection in vials of 10 ml. The drug takes effect 30-45 minutes after injection, the effect lasts 14-15 hours Dosage and side effects are similar to the previous preparation.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rapid-Acting Insulin

1. Humalog. Produced in the United States. The preparation is a solution for injection in vials of 10 ml and Penfill (special bottle) of 3 ml. In multiples of 5 pieces. The active ingredient is neutral lizproinsulin.

Humalog is an analogue of human insulin. The drug begins to act quickly. But the effect of it is enough korotkovremenny. This is due to the acceleration of absorption from the subcutaneous depot by storing in a solution of monomer molecular structure dizproinsulina. Humalog takes effect 15 min after injection. The total duration of 3-4 hours

By the indications for use of this drug include:

* Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: intolerance to other drugs, with postprandial hyperglycemia, which can not be corrected by other insulin preparations, acute subcutaneous insulin resistance;

* Insulin-independent diabetes mellitus: the cases of resistance to oral antidiabetic drugs (impaired absorption of other insulins, postprandial hyperglycemia), surgery, intercurrent diseases.

In order to pick up a dose, take into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Humalog can be injected subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly. Should be administered subcutaneously, the drug, which comes in cartridges. Humalog is administered for 5-15 minutes before eating. In pure form, injections made 4-6 times a day, in combination with insulin preparations with prolonged action - 3 times a day.

Humalog, which comes in vials, mixed in one syringe with drugs that have a longer duration of action. If the transferred patients with high-performance products for animal insulin Humalog, it is necessary to adjust the dose.

Sometimes the translation from one insulin to another is carried out only in a hospital.

In Humaloga have side effects. These include hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic coma and precoma, transient disturbances of refraction, allergy, lipodystrophy.

Humalog should be stored in a refrigerator at 2-8 degrees C.

You can not freeze the bottle. Already used a bottle or cartridge can store up to 28 days at room temperature. The drug should be protected from direct exposure to heat and light.

2. Insulin-acting insulin is also NovroRapid (aspart), produced by "NovoNordisk." Its mechanism of action is the same as that of Humaloga. The drug is available in Penfill 3 ml (1 ml of 100 units).

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Insulin Shock Therapy

There are three basic modes of insulin therapy. They each have their advantages and disadvantages.

In a healthy person insulin secretion occurs constantly and is about 1 IU of insulin in 1 h, the so-called basal or background secretion. During the meal, a rapid (bolus) insulin concentrations increase many times over. Stimulated insulin secretion is approximately 1-2 units for every 10 grams of carbohydrates. While maintaining a constant balance between the concentration of insulin and the need for it on the basis of feedback.

A patient with diabetes mellitus type 1 requires insulin replacement, which would mimic insulin secretion under physiological conditions. Need to use different types of insulin at different times. To achieve satisfactory results by a single introduction of insulin in patients with diabetes type 1 is impossible. Injections can be from 2 to 5-6 times a day. The more injections, the treatment of insulin more close to physiological. In patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 with preserved beta cell function rather one-, two-time insulin to maintain the state for compensation.

1. Fixed-dose regime (regular insulin)

Treatment of diabetes in this mode assumes that the number of units of bread (carbohydrate) every day at every meal has remained relatively constant. Accordingly, doses of insulin are also constant (fixed). Before eating, we introduce a short insulin, insulin prolonged shooting up for a night or two times a day.

The total daily dose (short and extended) of insulin may reach 0.6-1.2 U / kg.

Insulin therapy in this mode is ineffective. Blood sugar with this method of treatment varies considerably from high to low values. Obtain compensation for diabetes, using the fixed-dose regime is almost impossible. But this option is included in the treatment of diabetes (especially the elderly), when you have to make compromises.

2. Intensive insulin therapy (base-bolus regime)

To simulate normal daily (basal) secretion of insulin 2 times a day (12 hours), prolonged insulin is introduced, usually a morning dose of insulin is somewhat greater than at bedtime.

To create a nutritional peak, "teasing" short insulin before each meal (3 meals - 3 short-bolus insulin). To calculate the dose of short-insulin is necessary to know their blood glucose before each meal and the planned number of units of grain at the reception.

Intensive insulin therapy simulates the normal functioning of the pancreas and consistent way of life. It is understandable optimistic motto "diabetes - is not a disease but a way of life" when the patient's freedom is not restricted, no restriction in the diet does not exist (as you eat, how much insulin was introduced, if eaten more than the estimated dose, just need to pin insulin).

3. Combined insulin

Combines diet, oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin injections prolonged for a night or two times a day (usually 12 units in the morning and 8 units at bedtime).

Treatment of type 2 diabetes provides excellent results in most patients, if we use the following combination: insulin glargine (Lantus) once in the morning or evening, sulfonylurea + 3rd generation (MW Diabeton or Amaryl) once in the morning + (with obesity), metformin.

Vials short-acting insulin Actrapid and NovoRapid 10 ml vial at a concentration 100ME/ml.

Insulin therapy has the task of the maximum possible compensation of carbohydrate metabolism, prevention of hypo-and hyperglycemia, and thus prevent complications of diabetes. Insulin treatment is vital for people with diabetes type 1 and can be used in some situations for people with diabetes type 2.

Indications for the use of insulin therapy:

    Diabetes mellitus type 1
    Ketoacidosis, diabetic hyperosmolar.
    Pregnancy and childbirth in diabetes mellitus.
    A significant decompensation of diabetes mellitus type 2.
    Lack of effect of treatment of other ways of diabetes type 2.
    A significant reduction in body weight in diabetes mellitus.
    Diabetic nephropathy.

Currently, there are a lot of insulin, which differ in duration of action (ultrashort, short, medium and extended), the degree of purification (monocomponent), species specificity (human, porcine, bovine, genetically engineered, etc.)

In Russia, the insulin derived from cattle, derived from consumption, it is associated with more side effects when applied. Quite often when they are administered allergic reactions, lipodystrophy, insulin resistance develops.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Complex Carbohydrates: The Benefits of Fiber in the Diet for Diabetes

Good day friends! Today is another theoretical studies, devoted to diabetes.

Figuratively speaking all carbohydrates - it's sugar. But sugar is sugar strife. Simple carbohydrates are dangerous in diabetes, and some complex carbohydrates, doctors recommend for use. Why is this happening? What complex carbohydrates are shown in diabetes? Try to figure it out.

The importance of simple and complex carbohydrates

Once in the human body foods containing simple carbohydrates, instantly absorbed and carbohydrates themselves quickly transformed into sugar. Having obtained the required amount of sugar, the body begins to store the excess, turning them into fat. As a result of a constant diet, saturated carbohydrates, develop obesity. Unfortunately, most of the foods that people consume, it is simple carbs.

In diabetes the situation is much worse. The body converts simple carbohydrates into glucose, which is very poorly absorbed. Uncontrolled consumption of carbohydrates gives the body a serious failure.

And now look at the complex carbohydrates. They are very nutritious and well satisfy hunger, do not contain much sugar, poorly soluble in water, also slowly digested, sometimes even appear in the body intact.

Complex carbohydrates - a chain of at least three molecules of sugar. These include starch, cellulose (dietary fiber), glycogen, and pectin.

Features fiber

Recent studies have shown that of all the complex carbohydrates in diabetes is the least dangerous fiber. For example, in Europe, when choosing foods, dietary fiber did not even think of carbohydrates. Many popular diets as the basic components used food, abounding in fiber.

Fibrous food helps to reduce blood glucose, so the formation of a healthy diet diabetic should pay special attention to dietary fibers.

Fiber is mainly found in foods of plant origin. You will not find it in meat, poultry, eggs or milk. According to research enough dietary fiber obtained only vegetarians. The average person consumes them in 2-2,5 times less. Scientists have established daily rate of fat should range from 25 to 1940

However, dietary fiber exist unpleasant feature - they can not eat too fast. Otherwise the body would be very difficult to recycle (it's because complex carbohydrates, no matter how how). Fiber can greatly overload the intestines that diabetes is strongly discouraged.

The benefits of dietary fiber in diabetes

Dietary fiber type can be classified into two main groups: soluble and insoluble. Use of soluble fiber is especially helpful in diabetes, because it slows the emptying of the stomach, the digestion of sugar and its conversion into glucose. Soluble fiber reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, which is an excellent prevention of the most dangerous complications of diabetes - cardiovascular disease. Both types of fibers have virtually zero calories.

It is very important to obtain tissue from a variety of products. For example, fiber from whole grains have a positive impact on body mass index and blood pressure. Fiber from vegetables reduce blood pressure and homocysteine levels. But the fruit removes excess tissue from the waist and thighs, besides, also displays the harmful cholesterol.

Of course, it is possible to consume fiber in the form of dietary supplements, but as a rule, their content rather monotonous and does not give such effect, as organic foods.

Patients with diabetes should be careful to use food rich simple carbohydrates, less sugar and fat, to monitor the amount of protein. But complex carbohydrates, particularly foods that contain fiber, which can be regarded as the safest in terms of dietary nutrition.

In future articles I will discuss what purged contain plenty of fiber and are useful in diabetes, stay tuned!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I Have Diabetes. 5 Stages of the Perception of Illness

I have diabetes. Each of us has experienced a similar situation or just passing through. Perhaps this encounter someone from their home or loved ones. And very well, if we who know something will help. Support in word or deed. Tell others why a patient appears one or another reaction to the problem. Because the disease is serious enough.

Everyone who was diagnosed with diabetes undergoing five major stages of perception.

Stage 1: SHOCK

The first and perhaps the most natural reaction of the body - it's a shock. Man denies new disease can not accept the changes and practically does not accept any recommendation of a doctor.

Stage 2: BUNT

After recovering from the shock of the new psychological condition characterized by an aggressive attitude towards others. Here, much will depend on the medical profession. An experienced physician must show restraint and not to succumb to provocations. Rebellious behavior over time will pass, so you should not immediately push for a psychiatric examination.

Stage 3: CONSENT

Finally, when the excitement and anxiety a little abated, there comes a stage of agreement. With the disease, doctors' recommendations, treatments, new way of life. Some internal struggle still continues, the patient tries to argue, brings its own conditions and requirements, seeking a compromise.

Stage 4: Introspection

Depression and Hope are almost there. The problem causes to consider everything that has happened in my life prior to diagnosis. At this stage, an endocrinologist, is obliged to help remove the residual excitement, exercise the utmost patience and insist on learning control of the disease.


Sooner or later, diabetic humbled with the diagnosis and taking the first steps to new life. Tries to adapt. The doctor and the patient finally reach mutual understanding, develop an individual meal plan and coordinate the daily routine and medication regimen.

A patient with diabetes should clearly realize that health care can be provided only within the hospital. Outside health depends only on himself.

If the doctor gets consent from the patient to comply with all recommendations are the first positive results, then we can speak of complete understanding. In medical terminology this is called compliance.

It is important that these stages are not delayed for long. Patient, his family and endocrinologist as soon as possible to do everything possible to diabetes from a frightening diagnosis has become a new lifestyle, which has successfully millions of people around the world.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

3 Most Useful Tea for Diabetes


If you are accustomed to eat well, and you want to count every eaten. This I refer primarily to newcomers. Many of you have years of eating and drinking and lying on the couch. The stomach is gradually stretched, obesity, captured the strategic areas of the once beautiful and sexual body. And now the reckoning has come - diabetes.

The problem of saturation and over-eating is very crucial in diabetics. How could fill this inner void, and not only do no harm to health, but also benefit? There is a way - let's brewed tea!

Generally, any liquid that contains no carbohydrates and sweets, is useful in large quantities. If you look through the popular manual on diabetes, it is probably the most recommended is blueberry tea, especially for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. A fine brew from the leaves of blueberry, as it turns out, their composition is unique to enzyme compound that reduces glucose.

Let us recall that the blueberry is shown at the problems with vision, it is particularly appreciated by patients with diabetic neuropathy.

Beneficial tea from sage. Numerous studies have proved sage promotes the activity of insulin, so again, for patients with type 2 diabetes - is the best natural medicine. It will overload the liver with toxins, relieve fatigue and restore the immune system.

When diabetes is better to refuse drinks containing excessive amounts of caffeine. In this case, there is nothing better than a cup of red tea. This drink has a natural sweetness and suppresses appetite. For the proper effect rather a cup of tea a day (and more).

Before you enter any drink into the diet, consult with your doctor. In each individual case there are contraindications. Suppose, blueberry tea is not recommended in some forms of urolithiasis, sage exacerbates nephritis, can harm pregnancy, and forbidden to drink red tea with acalculous cholecystitis.

Until next time! And enjoy your tea.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nutritional Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus

In diabetes diet, proper nutrition plays a vital role. Because diabetes - a disease that are associated with metabolic disorders. If you speak very briefly and simply, diabetes as a result of disruption of the pancreas decreases its production of insulin - the hormone responsible for the uptake of sugar by the body. As a result - increased level of sugar in the blood, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences ...

In today's world there are about 150 million diabetes patients, including 8 million - in Russia. According to forecasts, the figures in 15 years could double.

Proper diet food in diabetes is crucial. To choose the right diet for diabetes, with an easy (and often with moderate) form of type 2 diabetes can be minimized by medication, but if not do without it.

In the first place, and it is unlikely it will be for someone to discovery, diabetes should limit consumption of carbohydrate. This sugar, honey, preserves and jams, candies, pastries and other sweets, sweet fruits and berries: grapes, bananas, raisins, dates. Often there are even recommendations to completely eliminate these foods from the diet, but it is really necessary only in severe diabetes. At the light, and the same medium, subject to regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, eating a small amount of sugar and sweets is quite acceptable.

Not so long ago in a series of studies have found that the progression of diabetes makes a great contribution increased fat in the blood. Therefore, the restriction of use of fatty foods in diabetes is not as important as the restriction of sweets. Total fat, used in the free form and for cooking (butter, vegetable oil, lard, cooking oils) should not exceed 40 grams per day, you also need to limit consumption of other foods containing large amounts of fat (fatty meats, sausages, sausages, salami, cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise).

You also need to severely limit or, better not eat fried, spicy, salty, spicy and smoked food, canned food, pepper, mustard and alcoholic beverages.

And it is really not good for diabetes products containing both high in fat and carbohydrates: chocolate, ice cream, cream cakes ... Here are their best to exclude from your diet completely.

Recommended as diabetes consume the following products:

Bread - up to 200 grams per day, preferably black or a special diabetic. Soups, mostly vegetables. Soups, cooked over low meat or fish broth can be eaten no more frequently than twice a week.  Lean meat, poultry (up to 100 grams per day) or fish (up to 150 grams per day) in boiled or jellied form. Dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes, pasta, you can afford now and then, in small quantities, reducing these days the consumption of bread. Of cereals is better to eat oatmeal and buckwheat, are admissible as millet, barley, rice cereal. But it is advisable not semolina. Vegetables and herbs. Potatoes, beets, carrots recommended to drink no more than 200 grams per day. But other vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes) and herbs (except spicy) can be used with virtually no restrictions on raw and cooked, and sometimes - in the liver. Eggs - no more than 2 pieces a day: boiled, in the form of an omelette or using for cooking other dishes.  Fruits and berries, sour and sour-sweet varieties (apples Antonovka, oranges, lemons, cranberries, red currants ...) - up to 200-300 grams a day.
Milk - a doctor's permission. Milk products (kefir, yogurt, unsweetened yogurt) - 1-2 cups per day. Cheese, sour cream, cream - and occasionally a little bit. Curd with diabetes is recommended to drink daily, up to 100-200 grams per day in kind or in the form curd pancake, cheese cakes, puddings, casseroles. Cottage cheese, as well as oats and buckwheat porridge, bran, rose hips improves fat metabolism and normalize liver function, prevent fatty liver changes.  Drinks. Resolved a green or black tea can with milk, weak coffee, tomato juice, juice from the berries and fruit acid varieties.

Eating with diabetes mellitus should be at least 4 times a day, but better - 5-6 times, at one and the same time. Food should be rich in vitamins, micro and macro. Tries to diversify their diet, because the allowed list for diabetes products is not small.

And another important observation. If your doctor advised you to diet, something contrary to what is written on this page - listen to him! Only a physician, knowing your medical history, seeing the test results and your current state, can properly assess the situation and make recommendations that are most appropriate for you and it is now.