Sunday, July 3, 2011

Diabetes Mellitus and Toxicants

We have already talked about how important proper nutrition in diabetes mellitus.

We talk about how some foods can be dangerous because of the presence of toxic substances. We all know that in the present environment is poor. Environmental pollution affects the food. This should be considered absolutely all healthy people, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus.

If you have any serious chronic disease, including such as diabetes mellitus, to food should be treated with special caution. The disease weakens the body, making it even more vulnerable. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid any negative factors.

Nitrate, nitrite, pesticides

Where did come from harmful substances in products. The answer to this question is very simple. Toxic substances accumulate in the water, air and soil. It could be pesticides, heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites and many, many others

When growing vegetables, fruits, vegetables, various chemical fertilizers - the salt of nitric acid, which include nitrates, potassium, sodium, ammonium, calcium. When different nitrate applied to land, they accumulate in plants.

By themselves, these substances are less harmful to the human body, that is, are relatively low-toxic.

But it can turn into nitrates, N-nitroso compounds, which have a carcinogenic effect, that is, capable of causing cancer. In addition, nitrates can cause poisoning.

Increased ambient humidity leads to that in plants there is a restoration of nitrate to nitrite. That same is observed in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of influence of the microflora. Nitrites enter the bloodstream, forming a methemoglobin.

Methemoglobin differs from hemoglobin that can not tolerate, oxygen. If blood appears certain concentration of methemoglobin, it can cause poisoning. Person feels fatigue, weakness. Symptoms can appear within an hour or several hours later.

In acute poisoning, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure. In this case the hands and feet become cold, breathing quickens, there is noise in the ears, headache. There may be convulsions, loss of consciousness. In some cases, people can fall into a coma.

You can simply protect themselves from poisoning.

Nitrates are in the plant through the roots and accumulate in the leaves. Especially a lot of them in the following plants: watermelon, melon, fennel, celery, radish, spinach, lettuce, beets, radish, parsley, cabbage, cucumbers, sorrel, carrots. In cabbage nitrates contained mainly in the stalk and leaf veins. Sorrel, cucumbers, dill harmful substances accumulate in the stem. Can significantly reduce the amount of nitrates from sort of  plants.

Greens need to handle as follows: the leaves are pre-cleaned of streaks, and then pour water and leave for 2 hours. After that, the water should be drained, and add a new one. Soaking should be continued for 1-2 hours. For the third time in the water to greens

leave for 5-7 hours

This method of getting rid of nitrates is perfect for parsley, sorrel, kale and other leafy plants.

To root it does not work, here you need to use a decoction.

After boiling roots is important to immediately drain the water. If it cools down, a significant part of harmful substances back into the vegetables.

It is important to remember that most of the nitrates and nitrites in the water passes in the first 15 minutes. Therefore, you first need to cook vegetables until soft, drain the broth. Then pour boiling water over vegetables, season them and cook until fully cooked. The broth must then immediately drain.

When cooking carrots is desirable from both sides cut to 1-1.5 cm and discard. In these parts of the highest concentration of harmful substances. In cabbage harmful substances contained in the stalk and upper leaves.

If you have doubts as to the security purchased cabbage, fresh is better not to use it. Boil the cabbage can ferment or. When fermentation most of the harmful substances goes into the brine, which must be drained.

If you doubt cause cucumbers to remove them from the peel, and cut off the part that is closest to the stem. It is in these parts of the most hazardous substances.

If doubtful dill, parsley and celery, it is necessary to cut off their stems, using only the leaves (the leaves can be pre-soaked in water).

Of course, if there is a possibility to use vegetables and herbs from his garden, where no chemical fertilizers. But the possibility is not all urban residents.

No need to over-dramatize the situation by refusing to vegetables and herbs because of fear of nitrates. In fact, plants without nitrate does not happen. Even those that are grown on their own garden, to some extent contain nitrates, getting them out of the soil. When nitrates and nitrites enter the body in small amounts, it does not bring any harm to man. Moreover, some scholars have argued that small doses of nitrates and nitrites as trace elements necessary for normal functioning of the human body.

Sometimes the stores indicated that the products without nitrates and nitrites. In this case, means that they have been grown in compliance with all technological norms, in the absence of violations of the technology to make nitrogen fertilizers, and therefore contain very low, safe for the person the amount of nitrates and nitrites. Allowable rate is 0.3-0.4 g nitrate and nitrite per kilogram of food.

When buying fruits and vegetables, you can use a special indicator paper or devices that can help you determine the level of nitrates and nitrites.

It is useful to adopt a rule inspect fruits and vegetables - if the fruits are very large, then most likely they have been grown using large amounts of fertilizer. Often these fruits and vegetables are much cheaper than usual. It is best to abandon their use.

Plants such as tomatoes, onions, grapes, eggplants, relatively little accumulated harmful substances. Therefore, they can buy without any worries.

When buying a watermelon should pay attention to the veins. If a slice of watermelon yellow streaks and yellowish flesh visible condensation, it means that a high content of nitrites and nitrates. The acquisition of watermelon in this case should be abandoned. When buying carrots should pay attention to the core. If a slice of carrot core whitish color, do not buy it.

If plants were gathered in close proximity to a busy highway, they will inevitably contain various toxic substances such as dioxin, lead, and many others These toxic substances emit machinery engines with the exhaust gases. If a field or garden, which had grown fruits and vegetables, is closer than 70 meters to the highway, they are very dangerous to use.

It must be remembered and that nitrites as preservatives used in the manufacture of canned meat and sausages. That is why one should, as you can rarely buy ready-made canned meat, frankfurters, sausages.

In the cultivation of various plants used in agriculture pesticides. These substances help to protect plants from pests, weeds and diseases. Pesticides inevitably accumulate in plants, so they can get into the human body. This is highly undesirable.

There organophosphate, organochlorine, organomercury pesticides.

Already from the title, it is clear what lies at their base. All these substances are toxic to the human body, and even more so for the body, weakened by diabetes. Pesticides can cause acute poisoning, which causes such symptoms as weakness, fatigue, dizziness, headache.

Pesticide poisoning can be chronic, which will inevitably lead to inflammation of the stomach lining, inflammation of the liver, inflammation of the respiratory system, the development of allergies. To protect yourself from pesticides, not to buy vegetables, fruits and herbs to unauthorized markets where there is no control over the products.

Gives good results and a simple tap water. Berries, herbs, fruits should be washed thoroughly under running water. Thus, it is possible to remove up to 60% of the pesticides.

Very good results are obtained by removing the skin, leaves, remove the veins from fruits and vegetables. If you use apples, pears, bananas, melons, peaches, oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits is desirable to remove the peel. It - the highest concentration of harmful substances.

Any heat treatment reduces the content of pesticides in several times. This may be a decoction, stewing, roasting. You can also use the soaking water, which we discussed above. Of course, fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs grown in their own garden, it is preferable, because it is absolutely safe for humans.

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